TRACING: Look at the formulas given and select the result of each formula using the drop-down menu options.
Reference Image:

1. =VLOOKUP(112455, A1:D9, 2, FALSE) *
a. Debbie Castillo

b. #N/A
c. 16
d. Male
e. #VALUE!

2. =VLOOKUP(102450, A1:D9, 2, FALSE)
a. Debbie Castillo
b. #N/A

c. 16
d. Male
e. #VALUE!

3. =VLOOKUP(112471, A1:D9, 3, FALSE)
a. Debbie Castillo
b. #N/A
c. 16
d. Male
e. #VALUE!

4. =VLOOKUP(112460, A1:D9, 4, FALSE)
a. Debbie Castillo
b. #N/A
c. 16
d. Male

e. #VALUE!

5. =VLOOKUP(112458, A1:D9, 5, FALSE)
a. Debbie Castillo
b. #N/A
c. 16

d. Male
e. #VALUE!

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