
October 2021 0 21 Report
6. Primary colors of light are three colors of light which when mixed together produce white light. There are many different sets of primary light colors. Interestingly enough, the eye
contains three types of color sensors (nerve cells) that sense the entire span of the visible light
spectrum. Each of the three types of cells senses a range of colors; yet they are most sensitive
to a specific light color. The most common set of three primary light colors are those that
correspond to the three colors that the nerve cells are most sensitive to. What are these three
primary colors?
___________________ ___________________ ________________
7. By combining pairs of these three primary colors in equal intensity, one can produce the
secondary colors of light. State the pairs and the secondary colors they produce.
__________ + __________ = __________
__________ + __________ = __________
__________ + __________ = __________
8. For each diagram, label the color of the two reflected colors and label the color that the
paper appears.

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