
September 2022 1 3 Report
6. How are the following animals grouped? bat dolphin whale penguin A Birds C. Mammals B. Fishes D. Reptiles 7. Which tells about the distinct characteristics of bird? 1. It has legs for crawling. II. It has feather to cover their body. III. It has gills and fins to use for swimming IV. It has hind limbs that are used for perching, walking, swimming, or prey-catching AI and III C. ll and ull B. II and IV D. I and IV 8. Study the diagram below. Which characteristics do birds and mammals have in commo ? MAMMALS BIRDS A. They live both land and water. B. They are warm-blooded and breathe through their lungs, C. They develop their young inside the mother's womb. D. They feed milk to their young which comes from their mammary gland 9. Below is a list of groups of animals. Which one will best fill in the blank? Kiwi Goat Ostrich Chimpanzee peacock ? A Dolphin C. Salmon B. Shark D. Tilapia 10. Your uncle is a veterinarian and you asked him to help you on your assignment abo vertebrates. These are the statements he said to you an animal with backbone, w flying and lay eggs. What animal is he referring to? A Birds C. Snake D. Starfish ich​

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