5.it is a hard chalk used in tailoring and dressmaking for marking fabric
A.Tailor's chalk
D ruler
6.The sewing tool that goes on your middle finger tip to protect while you push
A Scissors
B teeth
C. ruler
D. thimble
7. It keeps the fabric in place while cutting or sewing.
A. pinn
B. thread
C ruler
D. thimble
8. They are used to cut the fabric and thread.
A thimble
B. needle
C. tape measure
D. scissors
9. A tool which is used for sewing.
A. tape measure
B. needle
c. nuler
D. tailor' chalk
10. It is used to take measurement, mostly on curvy lines.
A ruler
B. scissors
C. tape measure
D. thimble

paki sagot @monicazero3​

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