
November 2022 1 2 Report
5 Which of the following below is TRUE about a suspension?All mixtures at home are
suspensions. Suspension is a solution. Particles of suspension are large that it settles ot the
bottom of the container. Use a suspension right away without shaking its container.
á Antibiotic syrup is an example of suspension. How is it used?
A As food
B. As medicine
C. As appetizer
D. As cold drink
7 Which of the following suspensions can cure fever once taken orally?
A Peanut butter
B. Pineapple juice C. Tomato sauce
D. Paracetamol syrup
8. What is o mixture with particles evenly scattered in a dispersed medium without settling
A Colloid
B. Alloy C. Solution D. Suspension
9. Which of the following colloids are used to treat burns?
A Toothpaste
B. Burn Cream C. Lotion D.Butter
10. Point is an example of colloid, How is it useful to humans?
A To remove the dirt
B. To beautify a structure
C. Used in cleaning the house
D. Used in driving away pests​

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