
October 2021 1 4 Report
5. These are small kettle gongs, deep-tuned gongs used as punctuating instrument
a. Kenong
b. Kempul
c. Kethuk
d. Kempyang

6. It is a single-kettle gong that gives out a "thuk" sound
. a. Kenong
b. Piphat
c. Kempyang
d. Kethuk

7. These are a set of two kettle gongs set to a higher pitch than that of the kethick.
a. Kenong
b. Bonang panerus
c. Kempyang
d. Kethuk

8. It is one of the primary instruments of gamelan composed of approximately a dozen kettle gongs.
a. Kethuk
b. Gender barung
c. Bonang barung
d. Kempyang

9. It is the higher octave set of bonang barung.
a. Gender barung
b. Gender slenthem
c. Bonang panerus
d. Bonang boning

10. It is the biggest and the lowest-sounding member of the saron family of instrumen
a. Gender barung
b. Gender slenthem
c. Bonang panerus
d. Saron demung

11. It is encased in a wooden frame, and it has six or seven wide and thin metal keys suspended by a string
. a. Gender slenthem
b. Gambang kayu
c. Gender barung
d. Bonang panerus

12. It has 12 - 14 narrow and thin metal keys.
a.Gambang kayu
b.Gender Slenthem
c.Gender barung
d.Bonang panerus

13. It is a xylophone with 17 - 23 keys resting on a wooden resonator.

a. Bonang panerus

b. Gender slenthem

c. Gambang kayu

d. Gender barung

14. These are the class-stringed instruments in a gamelan.

a. Siter

b. Saron

c. Orchestra

d. Zithers

15. It is a small zither angled and resting on the floor.

a. Celempung

b. Kethuk

c. Kempyang

d. Siter​

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