46. A hurricane hit the coast. The resort owners on the coast have lost much money. Which of the following makes this a valid argumente A. The resort owners are hurt financially by hurricanes. B. The hurricanes destroyed many buildings. C. Anytime the resort owners lose a great deal of money, it's because there was a hurricane. D. Every time a hurricane hits the coast, the resort owners lose much money. 47. Barbara earned a 3.5 GPA in her first semester. Barbara is a good student, Which of the following makes this argument valid? A. No good student earns less than a 3.0 GPA. B. Good students earn high GPAS. C. All students who eam GPAs of 3.5 in the first semester are good students. D. Usually good students earn 3.5 GPA or better. 48. Fido is barking. Someone must be in the front yard. A. Fido always barks when someone is in the front yard. B. Fido is a very good watch dog. C. The only time Fido barks when someone is in the front yard. D. Fido often barks when someone is in the front yard. 49. Max barks. Therefore, Max is a dog. A. All dogs bark. B. Anything that barks is a dog. C. If something is a dog, then it will bark. D. Most dogs bark. 50. Eddie and Annette had no food left over from their party. Their party must have been great. A. All great parties have no leftovers. B. If the food at a party is good, then the party will be great C. If a party has no leftovers, then it must have been great D. Every great party has great food,​

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