
August 2022 1 5 Report
I'll mark as the brainliest, thanks po

25. If tag uses "style" attribute, what attribute does
tag uses?
a. class
b. color
c. body
d. vspace
26. What Form element will you use if you want to restore the form to the default state?
a. Reset Button
b. Submit Button
C. Radio Button
d. Check Box
27. This scripting language is used to make your webpage more interactive and dynamic such as in Cycling Banner
Ads, Status Bar Message, CSS Tooltip, etc.
a. ActionScript
b. VBScript
c. JavaScript
d. Manuscript
28. This is a common format for images on the web and was designed as a standard for photographic images.
a. BMP
29. Given the following expressions, what will result to a Boolean value?
a. var result= (10>5) && (7<=11)
c. var result- quiz1+quiz2+quiz3)/3
b. var result=5>*7 +2
d. var resultea+b+c
30. An event handler that is used if a key was pressed over an element
a. onClick
b. onkey Down
d. onDbClick
31. In this JavaScript statement: document.write("Hello Philipines"); what does "write" refer to?
a. Object
b. variable
c. event
d. method
32. If the chtml> tag indicates that the file is composed of HTML commands, then what does the <body> tag do?
it contains the title tag
c. makes the text bold
b. includes all the other tags, elements, and contents of your webpage d. clears the contents of your webpage
33. What will happen if we submit our website for Crawling?
a. It will be exposed to hackers
b:it will be recognized or be visible in search engines
c. It will not be displayed over the net
d. nothing will happen​

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