34 It is the conversion of the sun's energy of food for the plants
a. stomata
b. chlorophyll
c. photosynthesis
d leaves
35. Which animals are raised for their meat and milk?
a hog
b. fish
d dog
36. It is a capital investment which includes purchasing eggs, fish feed, electricity, ete
a. capital cost
b. operation cost
c. dalag
d. carabao
37. Capital investment which includes land and building, crafting, ponds, oxygen, etc
a capital cost
b. operation cost
c dalag
d. carabao
38. Serve as the farmers workers and helpers
a. capital cost
b. operation cost
c. dalag
d. carabao
39. Fresh water fish has an English name of Muriel of mudfish
a capital cost
b. operation cost
c dalag
d carabao
40 Castration to prevent bleeding
a early in the morning
b. in the afternoon
c in the evening
d all day​

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