3. Wayang Kulit is very popular to this country in Southeast Asia.
a. Indonesia d. Malaysia c. Singapore d. Thailand
4. A cap widely worn in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, the southern Philippines and southern Thailand, mostly among Muslim males in formal situations. a. Bonnet b. Barrel Hat c. Songkok d. Turban 5. This tradition comes naturally to Malaysian people, especially in the Eastern States of the Malayan Peninsula. a. Wau Kite Making b. Flying Kite Making c. Candle Sculpture making d. Silk Painting
6. One of the most popular forms of art in Vietnam, favored for the mystical atmosphere that can be achieved with the medium.
a. Silk Painting b. Wayang Kulit c. Coffee Painting d. Oil Painting
7. Other term for songkok. a. Turban b. Cap c. Kopiah d. Barrel hat
8. This festival is held on the night of the 12th full moon, usually in November in Thailand. a. Loy Krathong b. Karatong c. New Year d. Pasir Gudang
9. In Cambodia, they make paper by hand in the wider region for over 700 years using the bark of what tree? a. Narra b. Mahogany c. Ipil-Ipil Mulberry
10. They are the puppet masters in Wayang Kulit. a. Dalang b. Gaddang c. Kaddang d. Wayang​

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