
September 2022 1 3 Report
3 DAY 4. hypothesis. When you reject your hypothes, you can write another hypothes, and design another experimente Finish your experiment by concluding whether the results support your hypothesis, or in reeds your to eat it You may use two setups to represent the experimental group and the control group The experimental group is the setup that is exposed to the conditions of the experiment, while the comrol group is not Sample Experiment 1 1. Gather two plants of the same species, with the same age and size 2. Keep one in the kitchen cabinet away from any sunlight. Keep the other one outside where it is exposed to sunlight 3. Using a ruler, measure the height of the two plants from the soul to the highest part of the plant Measure the height every day for two to three weeks, 4. Organize your data into tables and charts so that it is easier to analyze. 5. Make a conclusion QUESTIONS 1. In the example above, which is the experimental group and which is the control group? Why do you think so? cat 2. Which is the experimental group? 3. What is your conclusion?

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