
October 2022 1 0 Report
25. A property of material that is most evident when a certain material
reacts with another material.
a. biodegradable
c. non-biodegradable
b. b. chemical
d. physical
26. It is the ability of a material to burn.
a. Combustibility b. flammability
c. flexibility
d. malleability
27. The ability of a material to ignite or catch fire easily.
a. Combustibility b. flammability
c. flexibility
d. malleability
28. A material that easily decompose.
a. Combustibility b. flammability
c. flexibility
d. malleability
29. It lessens the amount of trash that will add up to the environment.
a. Recover
c. recycle
d. repair
30. To create a new product out of material that has served its purpose.
a. Reduce
b. recycle
C. recover
d. reuse
31. Instead of throwing out old clothes and towels, Rene cuts he items up
and uses them a cleaning rag. This example of which of the following
waste management strategies?
a. Reduce
b. reuse
c. recycle
d. repair
32. Which of these is a good example of reusing instead of throwing
something away?
a. Buying a new jacket when yours gets too small
b. Wearing your sister's or brother's old jacket
c. Wearing two shirts instead of jacket
d. Going without jacket if yours is too small
33. By writing on both sides of a piece of paper, you are​

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