20. What is made from flatten often unleavened breads?
A. Wraps
C. Yeast Bread
B. Flat Breads
D. Quick Breads
21. Which of the following are very thin, flat breads used for sandwich wraps, barritas and tacos?
A Wraps
C Yeast Breed
B. Flat Breads
D. Quick Breads
22. What is the heart of the sandwich?
A. Fillings
C. Chicken Salad
B Dry Fillings
D. Mayonaise based salad
23. What is the most popular salad for sandwich fillings like tuna salad egg salad, chicken or arkey salad and bam salad?
A. Fillings
C. Chicken Salad
B. Moise Filings
D. Mayonnaise based salad
24. What are the ingredients mixed with salad dressing or mayonnaise?
A. Fillings
C. Chicken Salad
B. Moist Fillings
D. Mayonnaise based salad
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