
October 2022 1 2 Report
_2. A summary lead contains
a. a direct quote
b. a list of all sources quoted in the story
c. the most important facts in the story
d. instructions on how to read the story
3. What does a direct quotation look like?
a. "She saved me", whispered the old woman in her hospital
b. The girl who saved the old woman is said to be a "Hero".
c. The woman roared about "the urgency to help the elderly".
d. The girl became heroic in her deeds for saving an old woman
from a blazing building in Roxas Avenue.
_4. What is a byline?
a. a published news source
b. a person that a reporter interviews for his story
c. a published online news source
d. the one who wrote the report
5. The title of the news story is called
a. byline
b. caption
c. dateline
d. headline
_6. Where should what, where, when, and who of a story
a. anywhere you like
b. first paragraph
c. second paragraph
d. last paragraph​

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