1.)which of the following is an example of the endocrine system directly interacting with the nervous system? a.) hormones provide feedback that affects neutral processing b.) the vertebrae protect the spinal cord from injury c.)sensory receptors in bones and signals about body position to the brain d.)strengthen signals that control the speed at which form of survey intestines.

2.)during the final stage of human the station receptors for the hormone oxytocin includes on the smooth muscle cells of the uterus the release of the oxytocin during flavor stimulates the smooth muscle tissue in the wall of the uterus the vigorous contraction of the uterine smooth muscle helps push the baby through the birth canal so that the liberation of your this process involves the interruption of which organ system a.) endocrine and reproductive only b.) endocrine and muscular only c.) endocrine muscular and poor reproductive d.) endocrine reproductive and excretory

3.)give me some part of the excretory systems that provide the blood and said it back to the rest of the body which system is mainly responsible for the transport of plasma to the kidneys? a.) circulatory systems b.) respiratory systems c.) nervous systems d.) muscular systems

4.)what two body systems are most useful in getting nutrients from the food that you eat? a.) muscular and endocrine systems b.) nervous and digestive systems c.) nervous and circulatory systems d.) circulatory and digestive systems

5.)what's a systems work together to provide body cells with a constant supply of oxygen while removing carbon dioxide waste? a.) circulatory and respiratory systems b.) muscular and circulatory systems c.) nervous and circulatory systems d.) nervous and immune systems

6.)which of the following describe the interaction that occurs between two body systems of a rabbit that helps the rabbit outrun a pursuing coyote? a.) the endocrine system releases hormones that prepare the immune system to deal with the possible injuries. b.) the digestive system increases the rate of digestion and the excretory system ceases to provide tissues with more nutrients c.)the respiratory system increases the breathing rate and the circulatory system increases blood pressure to provide tissues read more oxygen d.)the skeletal system releases additional calcium and the circulatory system depends more sodium in the blood to provide muscles with ions for contraction

7.) the human digestive system i d approximately 900cm long food is moved through the digestive tract primarily by: a.) bile produced by the pancreas b.) hydrochloric acid by the stomach c.) muscular contractions d.) the enzyme amylase and pepsin

8.)the digestive system is to absorbing nutrients as the circulatory system is to a.) removing nutrients b.) attracting nutrients c.) disturbing nutrients d.) fighting infections

9.) how the circulatory system and immune system work together to respond to an injury? a.) increase blood flow carries white blood cells to the site of the injury b.) increase blood flow still healthy cells which prevents infection of the site of the injury c.)increase blood flow allows more an increase in the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen to the site of the injury d.) increase blood flow removes infected cells from the body at the site of the injury

10.) whichwhich body systems must directly interacts with a break organism to exchange gasses? a.) circulatory and respiratory b.) endocrine and respiratory c.) immune and endocrine d.) skeletal and circulatory

11.) a deer hears a predator approaching and begins to run for safety. the deer has primarily and guides what body system escape? a.) muscular reproductive and circulatory system b.) muscular digestive and immune system c.) nervous respiratory and muscular system d.) preparatory endocrine and excretory system

12,) birthstone systems alert the young bird to the danger and helped reduce the vomit it uses as a defense? a.) excretory and immune b.) muscular and digestive c.) nervous and digestive d.) urinary and muscular

13.) which of the following is an example of the endocrine system directly interacting with the nervous system? a.)herman's provide feedback that affect neuron processing b.)the brain sent signal that control the speed at which food moves through the intestines c.) the vertebrae protect the spinal cord injury d.) sensory receptors in bone send signals about body position to the brain.

14.) which body systems work together to protect the body from pathogens? a.) circulatory and immune b.) digestive and excretory c.) endocrine and reproductive d.) muscular and vascular

15.) how does the digestive system work with all other systems? a.) the digestive system transports blood to all the other systems b.) the digestive system puts oxygen to the body c. the the digestive system gives the body energy and nutrients d.) the digestive system allows the body to move​

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