
September 2022 1 5 Report
1.When does a lunar eclipse occur?

A.The earth has moved along it's orbit taking the moon with it.

B.When the moon comes directly between the sun and earth.

C.When the moon moves through earth's shadow during full moon.

D.When the moon is directly on the opposite side of the earth and sun.

2.What kind of eclipse do we see when the moon is entirely within the earth's umbral shadow?

A.partial lunar eclipse
B.partial solar eclipse lunar eclipse solar eclipse

3.Which of the following beliefs and practices have NO scientific basis?

A.During an eclipse,there is an increase in harmful microorganisms.

B.During an eclipse,we were advised to observe the phenomenon in a basin with water.

C.During an eclipse,alternating light and dark wavy lines can be seen,called shadow band.

D.None of the above.​

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