1.We used computer hardware and software in making package design. A.True B.False. 2.Adobe illustrator is the best software for package design. A.True B.False. 3.Package design refers to the connection of form, structure, color, materials, typography, imagery, and regulatory information with ancillary design elements. A.True B.False. 4.Design is a key factor in packaging. A.True B.False. 5. A none quality package design can attract potential customers and set the product apart from the competition.A.True B.False. 6.We use the elements and principles of arts in making package design. A.True B.False. 7.Computer is the main source of information most specially in today's pandemic situation.A.True B.False. 8.The visual presence represents not only the quality of the products but should also suggest a clear personality – whether it be quirky, authentic or charming. A.True B.False. 9.____________ is a vector-based graphic design program that allows you to unleash your wildest imaginations when it comes to visuals. A.Hardware. B.Software. C.Adobe illustrator. 10._________ refers to the connection of form, structure, color, materials, typography, imagery, and regulatory information with ancillary design elements. A.adobe illustrator. B.package designs. C.computer​

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