1.It occurs when the earth enters the moon umbra.

2. maggie is seeing a lunar eclipse at the night sky.she observed that only a part of the moon is dark. which type of eclipse has maggie observed?

3. why is a total solar eclipse less likely seen?
a. the moon shadow covers the earth during a solar eclipse
b. people facing the sun during daytime can see a solar eclipse.
c. the moon's umbra covers only a small area of the earth surface.
d. the moon phases of her less often as compared to full moon phases.

for items 4-5, refer to the choices below
a. total eclipse
b. partial eclipse
c.Annual eclipse
d.penumbral eclipse

4. what will take place when the moon is partially covered by a shadow?
5. during what type of lunar eclipse will the moon appear of the blood red in color?

Ps. sa mga grade 7 katulad q. pasagot po ipapasa na po kase mamayang hapon ito, tysm.​

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