
September 2022 1 5 Report
1. Your younger sister brought a pair of kitchen scissors, chopping knife and vegetable peeler cooking activity in school. What kind of tool did she bring? A. measuring tools C. weighing tools B. mixing tools D. cutting tools 2. People tend to preserve fruit especially if they are in season. The following are reasons why we preserve food EXCEPT one. A. to prevent spoilage B. to lengthen the shelf life of the food C. to multiply microorganisms present in the food D. to augment family income 3. This method of food preservation goes back to the Egyptians. It is the removal of moisture or water in food. It is the most ancient method of food preservation known to man. A. salting B. drying C. freezing D. canning 4. Ripe Mango fruits were scattered in Harry's garden. They cannot sell them in the market because they live in a far-flung area. What should they do in order to prevent spoilage or wastage? A. make some Mango candies B. distribute them to their neighbors C. throw them in the compost pit D. sell them in market and spend more for transportation 5. How can we be sure on the measurement of ingredients needed in preserving food? A. use weighing scale and measuring cups B. use plastic bags in measuring them C. cook the ingredients first before measuring D. chop and cut all the ingredients then put them in the container 6. Rabiya is washing Camias fruits to be used in her candied Camias. She washes them in running water and drain them. What utensil to be used to drain the fruits she washed? A. colander B. measuring cup D. food processor 7. To start making preserved food, the following are factors to be considered in choosing and preparing the right ingredients EXCEPT one. A. sort out ingredients to determine blemished and presence of insects B. wash by putting them in running water C. chooses unripe or overripe main ingredients D. peel fruits into desired shapes and sizes C. pans 8. All Grade Six pupils are getting ready in preserving fruits. They get all the materials and ingredients needed in making different jams. Some of them were not allowed to handle food because they don't have complete PPE. What does it mean which is very necessary in food handling? A. Protection on Personal Equipment B. Personal Protective Equipment C. Privacy for Protected Enemy D. Personal Procedure Engagement 9. What are the materials to complete PPE? A. gloves, apron, mask and hairnet C. stove, matches, casserole B. old newspaper, knives, chopping board D. boots, gloves, hairnet, scissors 10. Research should be conducted to determine the new trends and demands for preserved food products. It may be in a form of interviews of resource persons engaged in food preservation or a questionnaire to survey target customers. The following questions may be included in your survey EXCEPT one. A the kind of preserved food that customers buy, prefer or look for B. the taste and flavor of the product C. the price range of the preserved food D. how long it takes to preserve fruits​

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