1. Write the letter of the correct answer. 1. Which property is x 5 = 5x?
A. Commutative Property of Addition
B. Commutative Property of Multiplication
C. Inverse Property of Multiplication
D. Inverse Property of Addition

2. 6+ (5 + 4) = 6 + (4 + 5) is an example of which property?
A. Associative property addition
B. Commutative property of addition
C. Identity property of addition
D. Inverse property of addition

3. Which property is demonstrated here? 2(x + y) = 2x + 2y
A. Associative Property
B. Commutative Property
C. Distributive Property
D. Identity Property

4. Which equation is an example of the identity property of multiplication? A. 1 x (2 x 3) = (1 x2) x 3
B. 540 x 1 = 1 x 540
C. O + 243 = 243
D. 1 x 123 = 123

5. Which equation shows the
commutative property of multiplication? A. 1x (2 x 3) = (1 x2) x 3
B. 13 x 5 = 5 x 13
C. 2 x 5 = 10
D. 28 x 10 = 20 x 10 + 8 x 10​

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