1. Which of the following was one of the main features of the Romantic Period?
A Religious B. Nationalism C. Spiritual D. Festive
2. From what era does the music of the Romande period borrowed and used forms and made thern bigger loc
songs and more instruments?
A. Renaissance B. Baroque
C. Classical D. Medieval
3. He was considered as the poet of the piano.
A. Chopin
B. Liszt
C. Berlioz D. Schumann
4. He was the composer who bridged the Classical Period to the Romantic period.
A. Haydn
B. Mozart
C. Beethoven D. Paganini
5. It is an instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, especially one for the piano.
A. Sonata
B. Mazurka
C. Nocturne D. Polonaise
6. A stately, march like Polish dance, primarily a promenade by couples.
A. Sonata
B. Mazurka
C. Nocturne D. Polonaise
7. Hungarian composer who was known as the virtuoso pianist and the busiest musician during the Rom
A. Paganini
B. Chopin
C. Liszt D. Schumann
8. Which one does not include among the compositions of Tchaikovsky?
A. Carnival of the Animals B. Swan Lake C. Sleeping Beauty D. The Nutcracker
9. A French composer whose works includes "Symphony Fantastique".
A. Chopio
B. Lisze
C. Berlioz D. Schumaan​

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