1. Which of the following types of evidence best supports the theory of plate tectonics?
A. precise measurements of the thickness of continental crush
B. precise measurements of the thickness of oceanic crust
C. precise measurements of the relative motions of pieces of Earth's lithosphere D. precise measurements of the relative motions of Earth's inner and outer cores
2. Why did people not believe in Wegener's theory about continental drift? A. There was a competing theory at the time that was more believable B. There was no data showing the continents ever moved C. The scientists did not know the force responsible for moving the continent D. The scientist presenting the data was unreliable 3. Which of the following discoveries would provide the best evidence that Earth's continents had once been part of a large landmass that has since broken apart? A. fossils of different species of organisms found B. fossils of the same species of organism found C. fossils of organisms that lived during the same time period found D. fossils of organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years apart found 4. How is plate tectonics supported by the apparent fit of the continental coastlines? A. The continents appear to have once been joined together and to have since drifted apart. B. The continents appear to have once been joined to oceanic crust and to have since been lifted above sea level. C. The continents appear to have once been joined to additional continents that have since been destroyed. D. Plate tectonics is not supported by the apparent fit of the continental coastlines. 5. According to plate tectonics, which of the following is true? A. Continents never move but the plates underneath them do B. Earthquakes happen in the middle of continents C. The continents used to all be connected in one continent D. The youngest rock is found at the tops of mountains​

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