
November 2021 0 26 Report
1. Which of the following sauce is made just before they are to be used? A. Hot sauce B. Rich sauce C. Cold sauce D. Light sauce

2. Which of the following sauce is a delightful contrast to a cold cornstarch pudding?

A. Hot sauce B. Light Sauce C. Hot Fudge D. Rich sauce

3. What kind of ingredient is used to to set many cold moulded desserts?

A. Fruit B. Gelatin C. Egg yolks D. Cream

4. What kind of ingredient is the common element of linking virtually all desserts?

A. Cream B. Egg whites C. Sugar D. All of the above

5. Which of the following ingredients contains a simple mixture of flour and water?

A. Batter B. Butter C. Chocolate D. Nuts

6. Which of the following sugar is commonly used in hot sauce as it produces a lovely rich caramel flavour?

A. Granulated Sugar B. White Sugar C. Brown sugar D. Castor sugar

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