
March 2021 0 30 Report
1. Which of the following causes deforestation? a. contour farming
b. illegal logging
c. habitat restoration
d. reforestation
2. The following statement shows the balance of an ecosystem, which one that destroys the balance of ecosystem?
a. conservation of natural resources
b. planting more trees
c. disruption of nutrient cycle
d. recycling materials
3. What does conservation mean?
a. use of natural resources
b. wise use and perservation of resources
c. maintaining the life of ecosystem
4. How can you restore denude forests?
a. conservation
b. deforestation
c. reforestation
d. kaingin system
5. Which of the following destroys the marine ecosystem?
a. fishponds
b. dynamite fishing
c. reclamation
d. constructing man-made sanctuaries
6. How does the human population affect the ecosystem?
a. Animals are conserved.
b. Forest are cleared to give way large subdivitions.
c. Plants and animals remain in the ecosystem.
d. Plants are conserved for the need of people.
7. The following are the ways of restoring habitats except one. Which is it?
a. reforestation
b. mangrove rehabilitation
c. building man-made sanctuaries
d. buying products made from the body parts if the animals
8. The following are the ways of conserving and protecting wildlife except ______?
a. protecting marine sactuaries
b. supporting projects in protecting wildlife
c. joining organizations about wildlife conservation
d. using products made from body parts of animals, such as furs and horns
9. Some ecosystems are the ways declared by the government as protected areas wherein cutting of trees and hunting are not allowed. What is the goal of government?
a. maintains the biodeversity of the area
b. control the extinction of animals
c. increases the population of trees
d. expands the protected areas
10. You heard about a plan to convert the nearby mangrove swamp to commercial area. Your neighbor agrees with the plan because thet believed that the mangrove swamp has no economic value. After researching, you want to discuss the issue with your neighbor. Which statement could possibly convey to your neighbor to not agree with the plan?
a. Mangrove swamps filter pollutants from the water.
b. Mangrove swamps are beautiful ecosystem.
c. Mangrove swamps provide shelter for animals.
d. Mangrove swamps protect the coastal community from waves and provide food and business for people

please help me :(​

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