
September 2022 2 301 Report
1. Which is the main function of circulatory system?
A. It expels waste gases.
B. It breaks down nutrients into simplest form.
C. It monitors and controls almost every organ system.
D. It serves as transport system in the body for cellular metabolism,
2. Vanessa lives in an environment where she can breathe fresh air and eat green leafy vegetables. How would this help her blood circulation? *
A. She will become smart and alert. B. Her blood will flow well through the different parts of the body.
C. Her blood will get nutrients and clean air making him healthy.
D. Her will have strong bones and muscles.
3. How does circulatory system work with the digestive system?
A. The blood flows through the capillaries to the kidneys where wastes are removed.
B. The deoxygenated blood moves from the heart and into the lungs. C. The blood flows within the heart.
D. Capillaries in the intestines absorb nutrients and deliver them to your body cells.
4. How does integumentary system work with the nervous system?
A. It is responsible in blood circulation and breathing.
B. It regulates and coordinates the movement of muscles and bones in the body through nerves.
C. It coordinates with exchange of gases in blood circulation.
D. It is responsible in producing food nutrients for the body.
5. The control system of the body is the nervous system. Which is the best function of the nervous system?
A. coordinates the actions of the body B. interpret the nerve impulse from spinal cord to the brain
C. controls all body activities and functions
D. receives information from the environment​

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