
September 2022 1 1 Report
1. What verb form is used in transforming direct speech to reported speech?

A. Future B. Past C. Present D. Progressive

2. What symbol is used to indicate direct speech?

A. Comma B. Parenthesis C. Period D. Quotation

3. Which person of pronoun does not change when transforming direct speech to reported speech?

A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth

4. Which of the following word indicators have incorrect past tense when used to reported speech?

A. Here-There B. Now-Then C. These-Those D. Tomorrow-Now

5. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“I am very sleepy,” she said.

A. I said she is very sleepy.

B. She said I am very sleepy.

C. I said she was very sleepy.

D. She said that she was very sleepy.

6. Which of the following punctuation is NOT used in reported speech?

A. Exclamation B. Period C. Quotation D. Question mark

7. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“We love listening to music,” Martha said.

A. Martha said we love listening to music.

B. Martha said that they love listened to music.

C. Martha said they loved listening to music.

D. Martha said that they loved listening to music.

8. Which of the following sentences is NOT a reported speech?

A. Leela said that those books were theirs.

B. Ryza said that she had finished her work.

C. I should not have listened to what he said.

D. The king ordered his subjects to pay their taxes.

9. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“Are you a Filipino?” he asked.

A. He asked, are you Filipino?

B. He asked me if I am a Filipino.

C. He asked them if they are Filipino.

D. He asked himself if he is a Filipino.

10. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“Would you like some chocolates?” he asked.

A. He asked that I like chocolates.

B. He asked that they liked chocolates.

C. He asked if they would like some chocolates.

D. He asked me if I would like some chocolates.

11. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“I can drive,” she said.

A. She said that I can drive.

B. She said that she can drive.

C. She said that she can drove.

D. She said that she could drive.

12. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

A. He said that I really like that view.

B. He said that he really like that view.

C. He said that he really liked the view.

D. He said that she really liked the view.

13. What is the correct reported speech of the underlined sentence below?

“How old are you?” he asked.

A. He asked me if how old I am.

B. He asked me how old are you.

C. He asked me if how old was I.

D. He asked me if how old are you.

14. What is the correct direct speech of the underlined sentence below?

The mayor requested his people to stay at home.

A. The mayor said to their people, “Stay home”.

B. The mayor asked to his people, “Stay at home”.

C. The mayor said to his people, “Please stay at home”.

D. The mayor said to their people, “Let us all stay home”.

15. What is the correct direct speech of the underlined sentence below?

He asked if I could pass the project.

A. He said, “Can you pass the project”.

B. He asked, “Will you pass the project”.

C. He said, “Would you pass the project”.

D. He asked, “Could you pass the project”.

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