1. What is the effect of erosion and volcanic eruptions on the earth ?
a. They make the earth look smaller.
c. They form more volcanoes.
b. They increase the size of the earth.
d. They change the earth's surface
2. Which is the thickest layer of the earth ?
a. inner core
b. outer core
C. crust
d. mantle
3. Which of these is the bad effect of volcanic eruption ?
a. cooling of world temperature for several years
b. filtering of sun's light
c. destruction of lives & property
d. cleaning of the atmosphere
4. Why are the ashes from an erupting volcano very hot?
a. Ashes are heated by the sun.
c. Ashes come from hot interior of earth. b. Ashes are burned by ultraviolet rays.
d. Ashes come from hot springs. during an earthquake ?
5. What will you do when you are on the street
a. Stand still.
c. Stand beside a post.
b. Hide inside a building.
d. Stay away from posts and buildings. 6. Which of these is not observed when a volcano is about to erupt?
a. lahar
c. rumbling sound
b. earthquake
d. unusual behavior of animals
7. When does a tsunami occur?
a. When there is a weak earthquake b. When there is a strong earthquake
8. What do you call to an area encircling the Pacific Ocean that causes the frequent earthquakes in the Philippines?
a. When an earthquake occurs on land d. When an earthquake occurs on water a. Pacific Fire
c. Pacific Ring of Fire
d. Ocean Pacific Ring b. Pacific Ring Weit your​

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