
September 2022 1 4 Report
1. What are the techniques for close reading?
A. Interview, Question, Survey, read
B. report, interview, question, survey
C. survey, question, read, review
D. survey, question, interview, report

2. What is our mainmain goal in listening espicially in a conversation?
A. to interact and respond
B. to imagine
C. to wait for our turn to talk
D. to write the dialogues

3. what does listening means?
A. it is receiving language through the ears
B. it is using brain to translate the image
C. it is converting images to message
D. it is interpreting a certain story

4. A software package to make electronic presentations consisting of a series of pages or slide.
A. browser
B. powerpoint
C. Vlogger
D. computer

Sana po Matulungan nyo ko dyan!

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