1. The continents and the floor under oceans in earth's
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer core
d. Inner core

2. Beneath the earth's crust temperatures are
a. About the same as along the equator
b. About the same as at the poles
c. Abou 1,000 degrees F
d. Much higher than 1,000 degrees F

3. Tectonic plates are parts of the earth's
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Outer core
d. Inner core

4. Lava is
a. Found in the earth's core
b. Is a layer of a tectonic plate
c. Magma that comes out of a volcano
d. None of the above

5. A volcano can form
a. Over thousands of years
b. Over a few days
c. Both a. and b. above
d. None of the above

6. A volcano erupts in order fo
a. Cool earth's interior
b. Release pressure from earth's interior
c. Both a. and b. above
d. None of the above

7. Who developed the Richer Scale?
a. Charles F. Richter
b. Charlie F. Richer
c. Cindy F. Richer
d. Charlotte F. Richer

8. Where does an earthquake originate?
a. epicenter
b. intensity
c. magnitude
d. focus

9. This refers to the amount of energy released by the earthquake from its origin.
a. focus
b. intensity
c. magnitude
d. epicenter

10. What instrument is used to measure the ground during earthquake?
a. thermometer
b. seismograph
c. stethoscope
d. microscope ​

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