
September 2022 1 2 Report
1. Selestine Meeka's skin is like a porcelain. 2. Althea Khalyn's hair is as black as the raven. 3. Death is like a thief in the night 4. The baby is as meek as a lamb. 5. He guards like leech. 6. Zchary is a raging bull charging at the enemy. 7. At times, he has a heart of gold. 8. He has nerves of steel. 9. Baby Andrea is the apple of the eye of the family. 10. Andrei has the eye of an eagle. 11. The rain is a mouse-gray horse. 12. Kisha sings sweetly like a bird. 13. Harvey's life is a multicolored like the rainbow. 14. Sidon Litcel has a heart of stone. 15. The traffic jam was a sea of metal.

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