
December 2022 1 6 Report
1. Nica always having a self-reflection at the end of the day for her to more aware to those things that she did in
the entire day. Self- reflection is also called as. _____
A. Inspection
B. Introspection
C. Coordination
D. Evaluation
2. Gian is always creating a reflection before he goes to sleep, write everything that happens in his everyday life.
What kind of ways does he do to improve his self-awareness? _____
A. Keeping a journal
B. Look yourself objectively
C. Self-review
D. Identifying Strength and Weakness
3. Being aware of how you look, think, feel and act will help you to know more about? _____
A. Themselves
B. Herself
C. Himself
D. Yourself
4. It covers activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talent and potentials to enhance the quality of
life. _____
A. Human Development
B. Personal Development
C. Development
D. Personal Growth
5. In what year does Johari Windows develop? _____
A. 1855
B. 1955
C. 1994
D. 1995
6. Rhea Mae knows that she is good at cooking different home recipes like her mom and a lot of her was also knew
it. What kind of quadrant does Rhea Mae show? _____
A. Façade
B. Blind Spot
C. Arena
D. Unknown
7. Rosel really loved music, she loves playing different musical instruments every time that she was alone that's
why no one knows that she was good it that. What kind of quadrant does Rosel show? _____
A. Façade
B. Blind Spot
C. Arena
D. Unknown
8. Which is NOT consider as barriers of knowing oneself? _____
A. Choice
B. Lack of Awareness
C. Egoism

D. Fear of Change
9. The level of needs refers to what a person's full potential is. it describes this level as the desire to accomplish
everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. _____
A. Physiological Needs
B. Esteem Needs
C. Self-Actualization
D. Psychological Needs
10. Lucy was confidently satisfied with what kind of life she had. She can have everything in life, including a happy
and stable family. What level of need does Ally already attain? _____
A. Physiological Needs
B. Esteem Needs
C. Love and Belonging Needs
D. Psychological Needs
11. It is a useful tool for helping you to build your self-awareness. _____
A. Jonari Window
B. Jahari Widow
C. Jomari Windmill
D. Johari Window
12. It is about understanding your own needs, desires, strength, weakness, failure, and edge in life. _____
A. Self-awareness
B. Self-Concept
C. Knowing Oneself
D. Self esteem
13. It is the Quantitative progress of the human and it can measure accurately _____
A. Choice
B. Development
C. Growth
D. Weakness
14. It takes place in the context of all their relationship particularly those with their peers and families. _____
A. Cognitive Development
B. Emotional Development
C. Physical Development
D. Social Development
15. Developing relationship skill allow them to get along well with others and make friends. _____
A. Self-awareness
B. Self-Concept
C. Self esteem
D. Knowing Oneself
16. Lanie can provide her basic needs in schools like clothes, bags, food, and her allowance. What kind of needs that
she already met? _____
A. Physiological Needs
B. Love and Belonging Needs
C. Esteem Needs
D. Safety Needs
17. Rowell was always satisfied with the learnings given by their teachers every day he attending his class, he
understands their lesson every day. What kind of needs that she already met? _____
A. Psychological Needs
B. Love and Belonging Needs
C. Self-Actualization
D. Safety Needs
18. Paula is the kind of teenager who really likes going to different parties but she suffered vomiting every after she
ate a large amount of food. What kind of eating disorder she has? _____
A. Anorexia Nervosa
B. Anerxia Nervosa
C. Bulimia Nervosa
D. Bolemia Nervosa
19. Jhuna is was really loves herself most especially her body. She was really conscious about the food she takes
because she doesn't want to get fat. What kind of eating disorder she has? _____
A. Anorexia Nervosa
B. Anerxia Nervosa
C. Bulimia Nervosa
D. Bolemia Nervosa
20. It presents the typical human desire to be respected, accepted, and valued by others. _____
A. Psychological Needs
B. Love and Belonging Needs
C. Self-Actualization
D. Esteem Needs

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