1. My grandmother is an ____ she owns sarisari store in our province.

a. debris
b. epitome
c. entrepreneur
d. facade
e. subtle
f. cache

2. The soldiers are digging through the storm's _______ in search of survivor.

a. debris
b. epitome
c. entrepreneur
d. facade
e. subtle
f. cache

3. When it comes to giving criticism, sometimes it's best to take a ______

a. debris
b. epitome
c. entrepreneur
d. facade
e. subtle
f. cache

4. The ________ of the bank is made of
transparent glass.

a. debris
b. epitome
c. entrepreneur
d. facade
e. subtle
f. cache

5. For me, my father is the ______ of courage and strength because he never gave up in any situation even if it is hard.

a. debris
b. epitome
c. entrepreneur
d. facade
e. subtle
f. cache ​

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