1. Multiply 21 by 423. What is the results A. 6 683 B. 8 883 C. 8 683 D. 8 269 2. The product is 13 536. One factor is 32. The other factor is A. 323 B. 453 C.342 3. A civic organization has 143 members. Each member recruited 12 new members. How D. 423 many new members were recruited A. 1 116 B. 2 716 C. 1716 _4. Ryan bought 135 packs of camote chips at Php 25 pesos each. How much did he pay D. 2 776 in alle A. Php 750.00 B. Php 805.00 C.Php 3,275.00 D. Php 3,375.00 5. Lisa made 195 bouquets in a month. How many bouquets did she make in 24 months A. Php 4,680 B. Php 4,580 C.Php 4,080 D. Php 3, 680 6. Chicken costs Php 250 per kilogram. How much would 38 kllograms of chicken costa A. Php 7.500 B. Php 8,500 C.Php 9,500 D. Php 9,600 7. Fish costs Php 185 per kilogram. How much would 16 kllograms of fish costa A. Php 1.960 B. Php 2.960 C.Php 2,975 D. Php 2.980 _8.195 injections of vaccination were sent to each 51 health centers. About how many total vaccination Injections were sent oute A. 7 000 B. 8 000 C. 9 000 D. 10 000 9. In the school canteen 237 trays are used every day. Approximately how many trays were used in 18 days A. 3 000 B. 4 000 C.5000 D. 6000 10. Mr. Doque harvested 1691 crates of mangoes in his orchard.If each crate contains 125 mangoes, about how many mangoes were harvested in all B. 20 000 A. 2000 C.200 000 D. 2 000 000 11. Give the product of 76 x 2. b.152 d.432 12. There are 34 raisins in every bowl of cereal. How many raisins are there in 3 bowls d. 142 b. 102 13. What number do you need to complete the process using distributive property, 13 x 15 = 13 x 10) + (13 x)? c.13 d. 15 b. 10 14. A plle contains 16 books. How many books are there in 11 piles b. 27 plles a. 27 books c. 176 books d. 176 plles _15. Solve 12 x 15 mentally. c. 342 a. 144 c. 132 g. 37 a. 5 a. 150 b. 155 c. 175 d. 180 -16. The Rodriguez famlly rented a fishing boat for P1250 a day. How much did the pay for days of fishing a. PhP 4,550 b. Php 5,000 c. PhP 5,550 d. Php 6,000 17. What is asked in the given problema "On Monday Noel sold 40 newspaper and on vesday, 50. Each paper sells for Php 5. How much money did he collecte" a. the number of newspapers per day b. the amount collected per day c. the total amount collected for two days d. the number of newspapers in two days

plss pow pasagot pow ulit mamaya pow may free brainliest po ulit ​

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