
October 2022 1 1 Report

1. Mixtures consisting of particles that are suspended or dispersed uniformly on any
solvent like medium.
A. colloids
B. coca cola
C. matter

2. The pupils prepared a juice drink for their food festival in EPP subjects by
dissolving powdered Juice in water. What kind of mixture did they form?
A. colloids
B. solution
C. suspension
D. saturated solution

3. Mother mix jelly powder, sugar with water to make jelly cubes. What kind of mixture
is jelly cubes?
A. solution
B. colloid
C. suspension
D. emulsion

4. Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures. Which of these mixtures is not a colloid?
A. soft drink
B. shampoo
C. mayonnaise
D. shaving cream

5. Which of the following solute and solvent is NOT a suspension?
A. water and sugar
B. flour and water
C, oil and water
D. oil and vinegar

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