
September 2022 1 9 Report
Redach Kem carefully. Blacken the circle of the correct answer, ponad the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations around. nueue of an atom? A Neils Bohr 8 J Thomson C. Emett Rutherford D. Erwin Schrodinger

2 Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of Bohr? A An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation. B. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed. C. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleus. D The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit

3 What is the correct electron configuration using the core elements for the element vanadium (V=23)? A An 48° 30° C. (A) 48", 3d B. (Ar) 4s 30 D. (AG) 48°, 30

4. What is the equivalent of / in quantum mechanical model? A. Azimuthal quantum model B. Magnetic quantum model C Principal quantum model. D. Spin quantum model.

5. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is allowable? An=11= 1 C.1=1, m=2 B./= 1, m=0 D.* 0 m = 1

6. For a neutral atom with the electron configuration 18 262 2p 3s', which statement is false? A The atomic number is 10. B. The 1s and 28 orbital are filled C. The afom is in the ground state D. The atom is in the excited state.​

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