_____1. it is represented by the symbol,Vs.
a.total speed
b.average speed
c.average velocity
d.instantaneous speed
_____2.For a trip from Manila to Baguio, a ratio of the total distance traveled to the elapsed.
a.total speed
b.average speed
c.average velocity
d.instantaneous speed
______3.Which of the above happens when a driver steps on the accelerator.
a.The car speed up
b.velocity is changed
c.the car decelerates
d.the fuel is consumed
______4.Which of the above happens when a driver steps on the break.
a.the car speed up
b.velocity is changed
c.the car decelerates
d.the fuel is consumed
______5.Which of the given situations happens when a driver turns around a rotunda.
a.the car speed up
b.velocity is changed
c.the car decelerates
d.the fuel is consumed​

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