1. How many 7s are there in 56?
2. What is the quotient of 49 divided by 7?
3. If the divisor is 9 and the dividend is 27, what is the quotient?
4. If the dividend is 54 and the quotient is 6, what is the divisor?
5. If the divisor is 3 and the quotient is 24, what is the dividend?
6. There are 24 boys and 4 benches. If an equal number of boys will sit on a bench, how many boys will sit on each bench?
7. There are 18 roses and 6 girls. If each girl is given the same number of roses, how many roses will each girl receive?
8. There are 24 chairs and 4 tables. How many equal number of chairs will be placed at each table?
9. If there are 4 beds and 8 pillows, how many pillows will there be for each bed?
10. If there are 35 books and 5 bags, how many books will there be in each bag?

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