
October 2022 1 0 Report
1. How do we call the flavor liquid prepared by simmering meaty bones from meat or poultry?
a. Soups
b. Stocks
c. Sauces
d. Fish stock
2. Which of the following classification of stocks are made from beef or veal bones?
a. Chicken
b. white
c. brown
d. fish
3. Which Ingredients in preparing stocks helps dissolve connective tissue and extract flavour and body from the bones?
a. Bones
b. mirepoix
c. acid products
d. left overs
4. What appropriate cooking time for white beef stock is being used?
a. 8-10 hours
b. 6-8 hours
c. 3-4 hours
d. 45 minutes
5. What do you call on stock added with for a variety of flavour consistency appearance?
a. Soups
b. Stocks
c. Sauces
d. Fish stock
6. Which of the following classification of soup are thickened to provide a heavy consistency?
a. Clear
b. thick
c. bouillon
d. broth
7. What is the basic principle in preparing soup?
a. Starting with a cold water
c. Select your protein based (beef, chicken, pork, and fish)
b simmering
d. Cutting vegetables to appropriate size to the type of stock
8. It is the most important ingredients in a stock, it provides flavor nutrients and color
a. Nourishing element
b mirepoix
c. bouquet garnished
d. seasoning
9. It si a misture of coarsely chopped vegetables that is used in stock to add flavor nutrients and color
a. Nourishing element
b. mirepoix
c.bouquet garnished
d seasoning
10. Made by slowly cooking the bones of lean fish or shellfish
a. White stock
b. brown stock
c. fish stock
d. vegetable stock

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