
October 2022 2 25 Report
1. Equator is the longest parallel that divides the Earth into two hemispheres________.

A. Western and Eastern
B. Northern and Southern

2.______ can be replenished over
relatively short periods of time by natural processes

A. Renewable Resources
B. Non-Renewable Resources

3. Managing the Earth's resources sustainably is called_______.

A. Conservation
B. Recycle

4. When warm air rises, it creates a______.

A. Low Pressure Zone
B. High Pressure Zone

5. _______is a wind blowing towards the sea from the land.

A.Land breeze
B. Sea breeze

6. _______happens when the sun, moon, and Earth are perfectly aligned. This phenomenon is visible only on a narrow strip
of land.

A. Total Solar Eclipse
B. Partial Solar Eclipse

7. ______ is the gradual increase in the
temperature of the atmosphere.

A. Global Warming
B. Greenhouse Effect

8. Considered as the nearest layer to the surface of the Earth.

A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere

9. The layer after the mesosphere where air is very thin is called the______.

A. exosphere
B. stratosphere
C. thermosphere

10. ________layer protects us from the harmful radiation of the

A. Ozone
B. Meteors
C. Auroras

11._______ is the great circle on the Earth's surface passing
through the north and south poles, which is considered 0-degree longitude.

A. Prime meridian
B. Equator

12. Winds blow when air flows from areas of higher to lower_______.

A. Temperature
B. Pressure

13. Hanging amihan is also known as the______ Monsoon.

A. Southwest Monsoon
B. Northwest Monsoon

14-15. Write an essay, telling or describing about how coordinate system will
help you to locate places on Earth.

⚠️ NonSence - Report⚠️​

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