
September 2022 1 2 Report
1. Directions: Match the description in column B with the terms in column A. Write only the letter of the correct. answer.

1. Incomplete Dominance
2. Gregor Mendel
3. Multiple Allele
4. Color Blindness
5. Hemophilia
6. Sex-Influenced Traits
7. Sex-limited Traits
8. Sex Chromosomes
9. Punnett Square
10. Thomas Hunt Morgan

A.both alleles are expressed equally in the phenotype of the heterozygote -

B. studied genetic variations in drosophila (fruit fly)

C. the method shows genotypes of two crossed individual

D. they determine the sex of an organism

E. autosomal genes are found in both sexes, but the trait is manifested only in one sex

F. is an inherited disease in which the person's blood does not clot easily

G. the ability to discriminate between the colors red and green

H. example is the ABO system known as blood group system in humans

J. the gene is not on the X chromosome but is expression of dominance is affected by the sex of the individual involved

K. the father of geneticsa.​

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