1.) Consumers are encouraged to reduce their waste by...
A. Purchasing in bulk
B. Switching reusable
C. Buying items with less packaging
D. All of the above

2.) which of the following is the correct hierarchy
A. Recycle, reduce, reuse
B. Reduce reuse recycle
C. reuse recycle reduce
D. recycle reuse reduce

3.) this means to make less garbage for example instead of buying juice boxes for lunch buy a large container of juice and use a washable single serving container to take it to school
A. Reduce
B. Reuse
C. Recycle
D. Recover
E. repair

4.) Reuse of stuff would ____.
A. minimize the garbage of the environment
B. help municipal waste management
C. both a and b option
D. be difficult and time-consuming

5.) which of the following is a recyclable material?
A. alluminum
B. Glass
C. cardboard
D. all of the above

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