
November 2022 1 1 Report
1. an endangered species is a(n) ____
a. species in danger of extinction
b. species growing on public land
c. species that has disappeared entirely
d. organism brought to a place where it has not lived before
2. The international union for conversation of nature and natyral resources (iucn) ____
a. was disbanded after the earth summit of 1992
b. is an organization of multinational corporations united for conservation
c. is known for trying to save endangered species through dramatic, attention-grabbing protests
d. ia a collaboration of about 200 govermental agencies and 700 private conservation groups from around the world
3. the current rate of species extinction is ____
a. lower in thi century
b. attributable to the actions of humans
c. the result if natural environmental processes
d. if little consequence to earth's long-tern survival

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