
October 2022 1 1 Report
1. A source or a situation with the potential for harm in terms of human injury or illhealth, damage to property, and darnage to the environment
A Risk
B. Hazard
C. workplace hazard
D. Control
2. The measures put in place to decrease the likelihood or consequences from an unwanted event
A. Hazard
B. Control
C. Risk
D. workplace hazard
3. The chance of something happening that will have a negative effect
A Control
B. workplace hazard
C. Hazard
D. Risk
4. Any aspect of work that causes health and safety risks and has the potential to hamm
A.workplace hazard
B. Hazard
C. Control
D. Risk
5. The most common workplace hazards, including vibration, noise and slip, trips and falls.
А. Ergonomic hazards
B. Chemical hazards
C. Biological hazards
D. Physical hazards
6. Any hazardous substance that can cause harm to your employees.
A Ergonomic hazards
B. Chemical hazards
C. Biological hazards
D. Physical hazards
7. Physical factors that harm the musculoskeletal system, such as repetitive movement, manual handling and poor body positioning.
A. Ergonomic hazards
B. Chemical hazards
C. Biological hazards
D. Physical hazards
8. Bacieria and viruses that can cause health effects, such as hepatitis, HIVIAIDS and Legionnaire's disease.
A Ergonomic hazards
B. Chemical hazards
C. Biological hazards
D. Physical hazards​

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